Finding your Dharma

Figuring out what you are going to do for your career is scary.

You want to do something you are passionate about, something fulfilling, something effortless, and that makes money to sustain your dream life.

I was once in your shoes. Feeling lost, hopeless, and stuck.

It wasn't until one day I came to an epiphany and took a leap to the unknown. Now, I am finally doing what I love and wish that upon all of you. It sure wasn't easy.  It took a lot of time journaling, meditating, reading, and learning, but boy was it worth it.

Before I get into discovering your Dharma (a person’s duty here on Earth), there is some backstory you will need to know.

I went through college straight out of high school with an idea of what I wanted to do. Safe to say I changed my major 3 different times.

I went with a business major, as both my parents are entrepreneurs, it made sense for me. Business is everything.

Quite frankly, I really enjoyed learning about business and I am very glad that was what I went with. I learned a ton and it has brought me to where I am today.

But, at the time I still wasn't clear with what I wanted to do with my life. All I knew is if I got my Bachelor’s Degree, everything else would fall into place.

After college, I took some time for “self discovery”. Did some traveling and spent a lot of money that I didn't have. Once I got back, nothing fell into place.

I was even more clueless and broke. I applied to various marketing jobs with my degree with no luck. The one marketing job I did get, I was miserable and quit after two weeks.

I ended up falling into a pit of anxiety, losing 10lbs and working at a smoke shop with my little sister for some money.

After some months I decided to do some freelance digital marketing and web design. Entrepreneurship is in my blood and if it was one thing I knew for certain is that I wanted to have my own business.

I was still always on the hunt for new opportunities since I didn't feel smart enough and the passion wasn't there with marketing.

I had thousands of ideas for career paths in mind but no idea on how to execute them.

I tried learning all about marketing, e-commerce, amazon FBA, you name it. I was met with resistance in each one. None were my passion, my calling, my Dharma.

I eventually found an incredible mentor through a copywriting internship where I learned so much about writing and freelancing. Thank you Jules. My world flipped then for the better. I started getting copywriting gigs and even published my first piece of writing!

But, I still felt like I needed more from life. For my life.

At this point, I have read so many different self development books, listened to so many different podcasts, and taken my meditation and spiritual practice seriously.

I knew what my Dharma was. It was right under my nose. So I put faith in myself and took a scary unknown path towards healing others through nutrition.

I ended up going back to school and here I am now, the happiest I’ve been with my decision and finally feeling able to write this and help you. The path is still unknown to me and I have those days where I doubt myself, but luckily I have a great support system. Tip 1: find the people that will support you no matter what.

Today, I feel like this was my most obvious dream job as I always had a passion to solve problems and help heal others. But throughout the years I always made excuses to not pursue it. The “what if monsters” are very real.

I still feel like I dont have it all figured out and I am just doing the next best thing but it sure feels fulfilling to be doing and learning what I actually love.

Through my own story this is what I have learned:

  1. The first step to living in your Dharma is to figure out what your unique talents are. What are the things that inspire you? What makes you feel passionate about your life? What are you naturally inclined to do? Finding this part out can feel tricky, because we are often so conditioned with ideas and beliefs that are imposed upon us. But, if you can look past all the things that you feel like you should or must do, you can find a spark. This spark is Source/God/your Creative Intelligence, guiding you to find your special purpose.

  2. Pay attention to feelings. Feelings never lie. Out of your friends’ jobs, which one are you most jealous of? Do you feel envy for someone online because they are living your dream? Go deep with these feelings. Journal them out. These feelings usually occur when your subconscious mind sees the potential in you. The potential that they are doing/living the life you are fully capable of doing but haven't taken the steps there. Also, take note of feelings and body language that arises when you think/speak of different career paths.

  3. Embrace the unknown. to create something new in our lives it requires doing things you have never done. It requires a series of daily steps into the unknown.The more you open yourself up to the unknown, more opportunities will present, in result the more ideas and information will flow your way. So the question is—are you ready to take that first step into the unknown—and stay there? Make it a goal to try the new things that scare you.

  4. Try new things! You never know who you will meet, what you will learn, and where it will take you. Each position you take leads you one step closer to your Dharma. You have to be open to trying new things, it will bring clarity into what you like– and don't.

  5. Go within. What books do you enjoy reading? What can you spend hours talking about? What do you friends/family come to you the most for? Learn more about yourself by spending quiet time with yourself.

  6. In his book “7 Spiritual Laws of Success”, Deepak Chopra says everyone has a purpose in life, or a unique gift/special talent to give to others and become a service to humanity. The law of Dharma states that whatever that may be for you, you will be successful at it. It would be against the laws of the universe to not succeed at your Dharma. This realization brought me comfort and faith.

In conclusion,

Do some deep thinking on who you are, what you like, what you are reading, and what sparks a light in your soul. Be open to opportunities and go out of your comfort zone. Keep taking baby steps and get yourself out of there. Most importantly, have faith in yourself and Source/God/Universe, your dream job is there as long as you don't give up. Don't let other people's opinions steer you down the wrong road. Keep in mind that whatever you do now does not indicate your entire future. You can always change your path, you are in charge.

What helped me the most

I have to say that certain practices and journal prompts made the biggest difference in getting clear on what my passions are and my purpose. I have helped so many young women in their journey to dharma in my 1:1 coaching program that I decided to write everything down and share the love to all of you.

So drumroll please my Journaling Ebook “Journey to Dharma”

This ebook not only gives you tangible tips on discovering your passion & purpose but also the journal prompts I used to discover my own dharma that led me to my career path.

The Journey to Dharma is for the person that feels “stuck” in their life. They are waking up and moving through life with no real fulfilling purpose.

Journey to Dharma is filled with thought-provoking journaling questions and spiritual practices that will improve your life tenfold.

…& yes, I know being in a new space and investing in yourself in big ways feels unfamiliar and scary, but to your future self this is just what you do, and you know it’s always worth it… and this is why your Soul calls you to it again and again ♥️🧘‍♀️

For the Journey to Dharma Ebook - click here.


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