Bullet Proof your Morning

Having a morning routine is essential for a successful day as it sets up the intention for the day.

If my morning is a mess then it is more likely the rest of my day will follow. One thing I always look forward to is my cup of coffee. Since incorporating bulletproof coffee into my mornings I have noticed a few changes worth mentioning.

For starters, my energy levels remain consistent throughout the day, compared to when I only have a cup of regular coffee. In addition, my cravings for sweets declined dramatically, which is always a win-win.

What is Bulletproof coffee?

  • Bulletproof coffee starts with high quality, organic, mold-free coffee

  • 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Brain Octane Oil or MCT oil.

  • 1 tablespoon of grass-fed, unsalted butter or grass-fed ghee.

That is essentially the main recipe for bulletproof, but I like to add a teaspoon of honey, a full or half serving of collagen, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. In order to emulsify everything together use a handheld frother or a blender.

According to Dave Asprey (founder of Bulletproof coffee), bulletproof should replace your breakfast. Asprey follows intermittent fasting from foods and recommends bulletproof in the morning to keep your body under ketosis, aka fat burning.

I, on the other hand, disagree. After fasting during sleep for 8 hours, having coffee first thing in the morning will wreak havoc in your body. Caffeine increases sympathetic nerve activity, which spikes your cortisol, weakens adrenals, stops digestion, etc. Drinking coffee 30 minutes after a meal is ideal.


High-quality coffee- Coffee does indeed have many health benefits. It may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, protects against Parkinson’s disease, has a ton of antioxidants and bioflavonoids, and has nutrients such as potassium and B vitamins. If you like to work out in the morning, the caffeine in coffee can boost your endurance and speed up your metabolism. Coffee beans are highly sprayed with pesticides, so buying organic is important.

Grass-fed butter or Ghee- Do not be afraid of butter, it is healthy fat and makes your coffee super creamy. Some of the nutrients that can be found in butter are CLA, omega-3 fatty acids, and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, K, and E. It also may help sustain energy levels until lunchtime. Butter also contains short-chain fatty acids which help to decrease inflammation and improve digestion. Ghee is clarified butter where milk solids are separated. Ghee may be a better alternative for those who are dairy intolerant.

MCT Oil- MCTs are medium-chain triglycerides derived from coconut oil. Coconut oil can be used in your bulletproof, but concentrated MCT oil will be more beneficial. MCT oil is converted directly into energy in the form of ketones. Therefore, it is a fat burner, helping aid in weight loss and boost metabolic rate. It is extremely fueling for your brain, allowing your brain to access energy instantly. Make sure your MCT oil is 100% coconut sourced and NOT from palm oil.

Collagen- Collagen is found naturally in our bodies, but as we grow older our collagen production depletes. So if adding collagen into your diet may help in anti-aging then sign me up! There are different types of collagen, but all of them have basically the same benefits: help strengthen hair, skin, and nails, as well as strengthen gut lining and joint function.

Technically, bulletproof coffee puts your body in ketosis mode where it burns fat rather than glucose, so adding sweetener is not recommended. Personally, I like my coffee a little bit more on the sweeter side, so I add a little bit of raw honey.

I also like to add adaptogens such as maca powder or medicinal mushrooms into my Bulletproof.




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